An E-Book to give you control and confidence
Potty Learning Made Easy
What people are saying
When I first started seeing Haylie, one of the the first differences I noticed (and one that had a huge impact on me) was the fact that there was hope.
Haylie's guide to Potty Learning has proved to be an invaluable resource in our house. After struggling with "training" our toddler, changing the approach to supporting their potty "learning" has made all the difference. If you are looking for a straightforward resource on starting your child's potty learning journey, this is it. I cannot wait for the extended version!
Our son ended up holding his poop in his stomachs and then having "accidents". It was EXTREMELY frustrating for us all and I wish I would have known everything I do now about potty learning. If I had access to Haylies potty learning resources when our son was 2 when we were trying to potty train him then I would have understood he wasnt ready.

Haylie Lashta is a physiotherapist that has focused in Pediatric Pelvic Health since 2017. Being a pelvic health therapist since 2011 she has always been interested in the root causes of pelvic floor dysfunction. This means it was not long until potty learning was identified as an area that needed to be looked into.
Many issues that we have with older children and adults stems from potty training times.
It is important to Haylie that information is accessible to all. Development of the e-book and Facebook Support Group was exactly what was needed to keep greater accessibility for all!
If you are tired of the potty training struggle, or are wanting to prepare yourself for ease of skill development, this is the book for you!
Don't wait, let's get your started TODAY!